Cooking Ina

The “COOKING INA” brand is currently 100% palm oil and is now available in some leading supermarkets like Super 8, Waltermart, Sta. Lucia and other key accounts in the country. It is also the preferred brand of some restaurants in Metro Manila, and is now available in the whole of Luzon.

Size Variants

Cooking Ina Palm Oil 16kg Tin Can

Clear PET Bottles

Cooking Ina Palm Oil 350ml Clear PET Bottle

Cooking Ina Palm Oil 500ml Clear PET Bottle

Cooking Ina Palm Oil 1L Clear PET Bottle

Cooking Ina Palm Oil 1.5L Clear PET Bottle

Premium PET Bottles

Cooking Ina Palm Oil Premium 350ml PET Bottle

Cooking Ina Palm Oil Premium 500ml PET Bottle

Cooking Ina Palm Oil Premium 1L PET Bottle

Cooking Ina Palm Oil Premium 1.5L PET Bottle